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Links (in alphabetical order)

Riparian Rights: Legal & Background Information

Covers water use rights, riparian and appropriative rights, correlative rights, water law regulations, English Common Law and prior cases in California.

Thornton Creek Alliance

The Thornton Creek Alliance (TCA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and restoring an ecological balance in the Thornton Creek watershed. 

Thornton Creek Community Library

An online community library to improve access to watershed-related information, led by educators involved in the Thornton Creek Project 

Thornton Creek Project

The Thornton Creek Project is a collaboration of students, teachers, residents, and other decision-makers all working together to understand and actively care for the watershed. 

Thornton Creek Watershed Characterization Report

The Thornton Creek Watershed Characterization Report presents background information about the Thornton Creek watershed. It is the first step in developing a Watershed Action Plan to guide actions by government agencies, citizens and businesses.

Urban Creeks Legacy

Seattle Public Utilities project to restore portions of Seattle's four largest creeks.